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November 4, 2009 Subject:
Rather than that Chaotic Pursuit the kids were into back then...
Oh, jimelena, expecting your film serials to make *sense*...
Just WHAT were the cop and that assistant DOING while Cody and lady friend were driving?
Almost looked for a second like the twelfth one would be titled, "Death Of Commander Cody." for a second there.
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July 20, 2007 Subject:
Why don't they just use guns?
The ole Commando and crew escape poison gas because a policeman opens up the door and lets some air in.
The cop shows up as soon as the alarm goes off.
That's either a really small town or a very good police department.
Lot's of fist fighting in this episode; lots.
If they carried guns they could just get it over with.
The ole Commando could've used a gun at the end of this one. Maybe then he wouldn't have been pushed into the high voltage transformer and died.
I know he's dead, he had no way out this time.
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February 3, 2007 Subject:
Holey Moley! The GunPlay!
The gunplay back then! No regard at all for innocent bystanders, sheesh. Good thing Cody's the good guy.
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April 22, 2006 Subject:
radar men from the moon